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The original headship of Adam proved insufficient. As a result, it did not adequately serve to vindicate the nature of God from angelic accusation.
Nevertheless, all was not lost. With foreknowledge, God was fully aware that Adam would fail to satisfy his role of headship on the renovated earth. He had predetermined to remedy Adam’s fallen headship by stipulation of the Eternal Covenant. In the fullness of time, He sent the Christ to earth as the mediator of the Eternal Covenant. Jesus satisfied the stipulations of the Eternal Covenant by His sacrificial death and resurrection. Consequently, He provided for the redemption of the elect from “every tribe and tongue and people and nation.” (cf. Daniel 7:14; Revelation 5:9; 7:9; 14:6) In this present age, the new headship, law, and life of the Eternal Covenant were predetermined to be manifested on earth through the New Testament church. They ensure that the elect of the church are legally suitable and organically compatible with God. In the New Testament, the new law of the Eternal Covenant is referred to as the “law of Christ,” the “law of faith,” the “law of the Spirit of life (zoe) in Christ Jesus,” the “perfect law,” and the “law of liberty.” (Romans 3:27; 8:2; 1 Corinthians 9:21; Galatians 6:2; James 1:25; 2:12) Often referred to in this book as the “rule of life,” it secures legal suitability with God. Assuring compatibility with God, the new life of the Eternal Covenant is eternal life (zoe) shared with the mediator of the covenant, Jesus Christ. His life (zoe) is imparted to the New Testament church by the divine work of regeneration and spiritual birth. The new headship, law, and life of the Eternal Covenant made the New Testament church suited for transference from the “domain of darkness” (realm of satanic authority) into the Kingdom of God (realm of divine authority). Eternally positioned in the kingdom, the church is “blessed… with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” (Ephesians 1:3) |
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Contrasting Headship
In Romans 5:14-21, Paul distinguished between Adam and Jesus Christ as two contrasting figures divinely positioned in the role of covenantal headship: |
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According to Paul, the first head of humanity, Adam, was a “type of Him who was to come.” (Romans 5:14) The immediate context of his writing clarifies that Jesus Christ is the One “who was to come.” (Romans 5:15, 17) Concordant with Adam’s headship, he was a type, foreshadow or pattern of Jesus Christ. In contrast, Paul explained Jesus was not merely the second Adam, but the “last Adam.” Therefore, He was not just another Adam. Instead, He was the fulfillment of the first Adam and, thus, the fulfillment of the type, foreshadow or pattern.
Paul provided additional emphasis for the contrasting headship of Adam and Christ in 1 Corinthians 15: |
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Adam’s original act of unrighteousness allowed sin and death to enter the world. (Romans 5:12) Consequently, the human race became legally unsuitable and organically incompatible with God. Thus, Adam’s headship proved insufficient to vindicate the nature of God.
New Covenantal Headship By the redemptive work of God in Christ, the New Testament church is positioned under new headship. Perfectly sufficient to vindicate the nature of God, it is gloriously and eternally positioned under the representative (legal) and representational (organic) headship of Jesus Christ. |
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The new life of the church positioned under the headship of Christ is vastly different from its old life positioned under the headship of Adam. It is obligated but not indebted; regenerated; intimately joined to God by the union of shared life; enlightened and empowered in accordance with His indwelling life (zoe).
By stipulation of the Eternal Covenant, the New Testament church is utterly privileged to be forever positioned under the representative and representational headship of Jesus Christ. Consequently, it is both representative of divine righteousness and representational of divine life (zoe) on earth. |
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New Testament Church
In harmony with the gracious benefit of the redemptive Eternal Covenant, the New Testament church is comprised of people who have been made legally suitable and organically compatible with God. They are joined as one covenantal body under the representative and representational headship of the Mediator of the Eternal Covenant, the “last Adam” and the “second man,” Jesus Christ. Under His covenantal headship human beings are legally suitable and organically compatible with God: |
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Made legally suitable and organically compatible with God, the new man is transferred into a living (zoe), spiritual realm of existence:
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The realm or sphere of the Spirit is characterized by a distinct familial standing, citizenship, security, and style of governance:
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Jesus Christ is the “last Adam,” the perfect fulfillment of the office of headship for the human race. Eternally positioned under His gracious headship, the New Testament church is legally suitable and organically compatible with God. Consequently, it is legally representative and organically representational of Christ on earth.
© 2025 James Hiatt |
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