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Values are standards, principles, or qualities that are esteemed. They are indicative of what is important to both individuals and societies.
Personal values are typically formed early in life through the influence of parents, teachers, and other authority figures. Reinforced by emotional investment, they gradually become incorporated into thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and behaviors. Human beings choose to live in a manner that is reflective of their values. I once attended a church service where the pastor asked the children among the congregants, “What do your parents value?” As parents sat mortified, many children answered with complete honesty. The answers included TV, work, family, computers, etc. It revealed that human beings do what they value and value what they do. Worldly Values In their former manner of life before Christ, the elect cultivated values that are contrary to life shared with Christ. Deeply ingrained after years of formation and emotional reinforcement, they are difficult to change. Biblical Values Through the redemptive work of Christ, God shares His life with the elect. New life shared with God in Christ is accompanied by new values. The replacement of old values with new is a progressive act of God. It occurs throughout the lifetime of the redeemed. The values associated with shared life are revealed in the Bible. They are not the values of the dead but the living (zoe). God imparts His values to the New Testament church through the sanctifying work of the Spirit. It cooperates with by grace through faith alone. |
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The values of the church serve a significant role in determining its spiritual vitality and fruitfulness. The primary factors that shaped the values of the early New Testament church were the leading of the risen Savior, the teaching and tradition of the Apostles, and prayer. As evidenced by church history, whenever and wherever these same values are cherished, they contribute to the bearing of spiritual fruit in New Testament quality and quantity.
© 2025 James Hiatt |
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