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God created the eternal New Testament church before the foundation of the world. He gave it a distinct function and form. The function of the eternal church was to facilitate shared life fellowship with mankind. God provided the New Testament church with a form that was suitable. He made it in the form of a spiritual body.
The eternal New Testament church did not change when God originated it on earth. It retained its distinct function and form. The Apostle Paul described the New Testament church as a “dwelling of God in the Spirit.” (Ephesians 2:22) His description indicated that it was originated on earth to accommodate the living (zoe) God and consequently, permit shared life fellowship between God and mankind on earth. Concordant with its eternal function, the message of the New Testament church proclaimed the possibility of life shared with God. (cf. Philippians 2:16; 1 John 1:1-2) Thus, its message was a “message of…life (zoe).” (Acts 5:20; cf. 2 Timothy 1:8-11) The shared life message of the New Testament church is the Gospel or “Good News” of Jesus Christ. Providing a revelation of the love, mercy, and justice of God in an unbiased, concurrent manner, its willing reception by fallen mankind serves to vindicate His nature from angelic scheme and accusation. Relative to the role of the New Testament church in the vindication of the divine nature, the heavenly host offers a varied reaction. The holy angels rejoice when a fallen human being repents and receives eternal life (zoe) through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Luke 15:7) Conversely, Satan and his angels cringe when they see man, a lesser, undeserving creature, gain through the church what they lost; citizenship in the glorious kingdom of God. For the devil and his angels, the New Testament church serves as a public reminder of their judgment and condemnation. Therefore, it is an ever-present source of embarrassment, humiliation, and shame. As a result, the devil and his angels view the New Testament church with fiery hatred. |
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God created the eternal New Testament church before the foundation of the world. He established it on earth in the first-century AD. The eternal New Testament church was unlike anything else on earth.
Satan’s schemes of persecution and doctrinal deception failed to destroy the eternal New Testament church. Nevertheless, they resulted in a simulation of the eternal church that has evolved until present day. © 2025 James Hiatt |
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