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Chapter 77 - Armor of God |
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The devil has been lying about the armor of God for a long time. Therefore, the armor is probably not what you have been led to believe. The armor of God is not something you put on for God each day. Instead, it is referent to Jesus Christ. He came to indwell you the moment you were born of His Spirit. All you have to do is believe.
The armor of God, Jesus Christ, is "put on" in spiritual battle by grace through faith alone. It can be summarized as follows: |
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The following is a personal interpretation of Ephesians 6:10-18. It was designed to amplify and clarify: 10 Finally, be empowered with the heavenly force of the indwelling life (zoe) of Christ and the immeasurable manifestation of His provided strength. 11 The heavenly force of His indwelling life (zoe) and the immeasurable manifestation of His provided strength is experienced by putting on His full armor. It enables the New Testament church to stand firm and not be moved by the deceptive schemes of the devil. 12 The struggles of the New Testament church are not physical, perpetrated by a human enemy, but spiritual, committed by an evil array of heavenly beings. Aligned under the authority of the devil, they temporarily rule the atmospheric heavens of this present darkened earth. 13 Empowerment with the heavenly force of the indwelling life (zoe) of Christ and the immeasurable manifestation of His provided strength available through His full armor enables the New Testament church to remain steadfast when confronted with the schemes of the devil and his wicked, spiritual forces on the day when they attempt to execute their deceptive schemes. 14-15 First, putting on the full armor of God requires knowing and trusting that the New Testament church has already been clothed in Christ. By His Spirit, He indwells and protects His body. One with God in Christ, His body shares all the attributes of His nature. They include but are in no manner limited to truth, righteousness, and peace. Having been unconditionally clothed in Christ is necessary for empowerment with the heavenly force of His indwelling life (zoe) and the immeasurable manifestation of His provided strength. 16 Second, knowing that it has already been clothed in Christ, the New Testament church is to take up faith, hope, and the Spirit-illuminated word of God. Do not stop with knowledge alone. Continually recognize that Jesus Christ is with His body during battle by taking up the “shield of faith.” Actively count on His immediate presence and trust in the empowerment of the heavenly force of His indwelling life (zoe) and the immeasurable manifestation of His provided strength. It will serve to extinguish the slow-burning lies, accusations, and conflict perpetrated by the devil. 17 In addition, know that the schemes of the devil are temporary. Therefore, on the evil day, take up hope in the certainty of deliverance by empowerment with the heavenly force of the indwelling life (zoe) of Christ and the immeasurable manifestation of His provided strength. By faith and hope in Christ, take up the word of God. However, do not take it up in a general sense alone. The indwelling Spirit of Christ will illuminate the specific word of God that is relevant to the particular scheme of deception chosen by the devil. Thus, the heavenly force of His indwelling life (zoe) and the immeasurable manifestation of His provided strength will be released against the schemes of the devil with specificity. 18 By the leading and enlightenment of the Spirit, pray always for the empowerment of God with the heavenly force of His indwelling life (zoe) and the immeasurable manifestation of His provided strength. (Ephesians 6:10-18) “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the [armor] of our warfare (Jesus Christ) [is] not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5) “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13) © 2025 James Hiatt |
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