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After His death and resurrection, Jesus Christ ascended into heaven and was seated in His position of heavenly authority at the right hand of the Father. His intrinsic authority restored; Jesus initiated the fulfillment of His promise to “build” the New Testament church on earth. (Matthew 16:18) It was an endeavor that Christ alone was qualified to fulfill. Consequently, He did not need or ask for human assistance.
Living Organism The incarnate Christ was the “firstborn among many brethren” and therefore, the head of a new race of eternal beings born after His kind. (Romans 8:29) He was God in human flesh and thus, the archetype of Spirit-indwelt humanity. By the redemptive work of Christ, the body of the New Testament church was made alive to God. The Apostle Paul exclaimed, “When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with [Christ] ...” (Colossians 2:13) The New Testament church was made alive to God through divine act of spiritual birth. As a result, the Head and body of the New Testament church share eternal life (zoe) through the indwelling of the Spirit of life (zoe) in Christ Jesus. Sharing the highest form of life (zoe) with the Head of the New Testament church, the body of the church possesses all of the characteristics of a living organism. Not only is it a living organism but in reality, the New Testament church is the highest form of living organism on earth. |
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Organic Church Life
Jesus did not come to earth to model the Christian life for the New Testament church to emulate. Instead, He came to earth to share His life (zoe), the Christian life, with the New Testament church. Among an infinite number of other things, Jesus Christ is the Christian life (zoe). He lived the perfect Christian life (zoe) on earth. Jesus then died and was resurrected for benefit of the New Testament church. Consequently, it could share His life (zoe), the perfect Christian life. Contrary to popular thought, the New Testament church does not live the Christian life through obedience to law. By Christ’s fulfillment of the righteous requirement of the rule of law, the church was released from its jurisdiction. (Romans 7:1-6; 8:3-4) As a result, the New Testament church is privileged to live the Christian life according to the gracious “law of the Spirit of life (zoe) in Christ Jesus” through faith alone. (Romans 8:2) Jesus, the Christian life, is the source of the Christian life for the New Testament church. Consequently, the life of the New Testament church is not lived by man for God. It is lived by the indwelling God with man. The New Testament church on earth was established to be “... a dwelling of God in the Spirit.” (Ephesians 2:22) God designed it as such so that it could be animated by His indwelling life (zoe). As a result, the New Testament church is not only representative of divine law but representational of divine life (zoe). Both representative and representational of God, the New Testament church was not created to perform dead religious activity for God. Instead, it was graciously privileged to cooperate with Him through faith in His shared, indwelling life (zoe). Organic or Inorganic The distinction between church life lived with God and church life lived for God is as simple as organic and inorganic. They can be distinguished as follows: |
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Life or Law
Concordant with its divine, organic life (zoe) source on earth, the New Testament church is presented with a privileged choice. It can choose to live according to the new, organic rule of life (zoe) or the old, inorganic rule of law. When the church chooses to subject itself to the inorganic rule of law (“the law of sin and of death”), it works for God as an employee or hireling. However, attempting to work for God as an employee is not only contrary to the will of God but exhausting. Never fulfilled, it is a treadmill of endless, eternally insignificant performance. Working for God under the old, inorganic rule of law is a choice that led the Apostle Paul to respond, “Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?” (Romans 7:24) Conversely, when the New Testament church chooses to live according to the new, organic rule of life (zoe), it is obligated to God as His beloved children. Rather than working for God, the church joyfully abides in His gracious, immediate presence. It is not only congruent with the will of God but characterized by ultimate rest and peace. As a result, Paul’s realization of this amazing truth motivated him to proclaim, “Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:25) Childlike rest in God's unconditional plan and provision is fulfilled through dependent faith alone. Historically, when the New Testament church has chosen to dependently rest in Christ and cooperate with Him by the gracious, organic rule of life (zoe) through faith alone God has mightily blessed. He has demonstrated that He will not only provide but also perform every work necessary to satisfy its purpose and mission on earth. Dependent Life The incarnate Christ did not work for His heavenly Father as an employee. Instead, He lived His life on earth as a son, a privileged family member. As a son, Jesus lived dependently. He chose to empty Himself of His own authority and live in unwavering submission to the authority of the indwelling Spirit of His Father. (cf. Matthew 4:1; 12:28; Luke 4:1) In like manner, the New Testament church was designed to live dependently on the indwelling life (zoe) of the Spirit of Christ. It is fulfilled by grace through faith alone. © 2025 James Hiatt |
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