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The original, eternal earth was created to exist within the eternal kingdom of God (realm of divine authority). It served as a habitat for angelic beings.
The original, eternal earth was the perfect venue for God to demonstrate the attributes of His nature to His creatures, the angelic beings. Righteous by nature, the angels on the original, eternal earth were blessed to witness the nature of God without hindrance. Despite the glorious privilege, many of the angels chose to rebel against the authority of God. As a result of the angelic rebellion the original, eternal earth was destroyed. Characterized by waste, ruin, emptiness, and darkness, it became unsuitable to exist in the kingdom of God. Congruent with eternal plan, God renovated the earth so that it was again suitable to exist within His kingdom (realm of His authority). To demonstrate the attributes of His nature in full view of the angelic host, He populated it with a new type of creature, human beings. As a result, God was provided with the opportunity to continue vindicating His nature and repopulating His kingdom. Like the devil and his angels on the original earth, the human inhabitants of the renovated earth also chose to rebel against divine authority. Consequently, the renovated earth, degenerated and darkened, became unsuitable to exist in the kingdom of God. Although unsuitable to exist in the kingdom, the degenerated earth remained inhabitable for fallen mankind. Concordant with eternal plan, however, the kingdom of God would continue to be influential. Rather than the earth existing in the kingdom, the kingdom of God would exist on the degenerated earth within redeemed human beings. |
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Time and Space
God subjected the spatiotemporal earth (renovated, degenerated, and regenerated) to the limitations of space and time. He did so for a significant reason. When integrated with space, time presents a quantifiable environment that allows for a measurable and, therefore, indisputable demonstration of the nature of God. According to plan, it was beneficial for both the angelic host and the human race. Concordant with time and space, activity on earth is defined by specific ages. God designed each age to contribute to the fulfillment of His comprehensive, eternal purpose. According to the Bible, the specific ages associated with the fulfillment of the purpose of God on the spatiotemporal earth include: |
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Mediatorial Representation
Despite His foreknowledge of their failure, God chose beforehand to manifest His authority on the spatiotemporal earth through the mediatorial representation of angelic and human beings. Angelic beings mediated the kingdom authority of God on the original, eternal earth. In contrast, God chose human beings to mediate His authority on the spatiotemporal earth. It was predestined to occur in the following manner: |
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© 2025 James Hiatt
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