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With foreknowledge, God predetermined to adapt the form of the earth to accommodate His redemptive plan. It would allow for the continued vindication of His nature and repopulation of His kingdom in fullness.
In the beginning, God created the original, eternal earth. It was suitable to exist within His kingdom (realm of authority). The original earth was made to exist within the divine kingdom for an important purpose. It served as a habitat which God could populate with willing citizens and manifest His glory for their benefit. As indicated, many of the angelic inhabitants of the original earth declined to remain in submission to the authority of God. Their rebelliousness had significant consequences. The defiant angels were banished from the kingdom of God (realm of divine authority) and their habitat, the original earth, was destroyed. As a result, it became chaotic, characterized by waste, ruin, emptiness, and darkness. Therefore, the earth was no longer suitable for existence within the kingdom of God. God would have been just to annihilate the chaotic earth and its rebellious inhabitants. Instead, congruent with His nature, He renovated the earth so that it was suitable to again exist within the boundaries of His kingdom (realm of authority). Renovating the earth and restoring it to His kingdom allowed God to reestablish His authoritative, living presence on earth. Consequently, He could continue to vindicate His nature and repopulate His kingdom with willing citizens. The new, human inhabitants of the renovated earth were blessed with the privileged opportunity to engage in intimate, shared life fellowship with God. In contrast to the unwillingness of the devil and his angels, the willingness of mankind to preserve and protect fellowship with God served to vindicate His nature. The renovation of the earth also allowed God to repopulate His kingdom (realm of authority). Much like the angelic citizens of the kingdom on the original earth, however, the human citizens of the renovated earth also chose to abuse their freedom and rebel against the authority of God. Transformation God knew beforehand that His creatures, both angelic and human, would rebel against His authority. With foreknowledge, He had predetermined to address the consequences. As a result, God could continue to vindicate His nature and repopulate His kingdom with willing citizens. Among other things, the plan of God to address the rebellious conduct of His creatures required the adaptation of their earthly habitat. Its divine adaptation was designed to accommodate the continual influence of His protective authority (kingdom) on the earth. As indicated in the Bible, the adaptation of the earth was predestined to occur in the following manner: |
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God created the original earth in eternal form to exist within His kingdom. It was necessarily removed from the kingdom (realm of divine authority) after the angelic rebellion. As a result, the original earth became chaotic and dark.
According to plan, God adapted the chaotic earth by renovating it so that it was again suitable to exist within His kingdom. However, the rebellion of the first representative human on the renovated earth resulted in its removal from the protective authority of God (kingdom). Separated from King and kingdom, the renovated earth was transformed into a state of degeneration and darkness. While it was unfit to exist within the kingdom of God (realm of divine authority), the degenerated earth remained suitable for habitation by humanity; albeit in a fallen state. God then made an astounding move. Rather than adapting the earth to be suitable to again exist in His kingdom, He “adapted” the manner in which His kingdom (authority) would be accessible on earth. By His own incarnation and fulfillment of the stipulations of the Eternal Covenant, God provided for the redemption of fallen mankind on the degenerated earth. Instead of the earth and its populous existing within the kingdom of God, the kingdom authority of God would be manifested on the degenerated earth within the redeemed. Throughout the fallen world, they would enjoy the gracious privilege of sharing the opportunity for the fallen to know God and live in His kingdom. Those who willingly accept the opportunity to fellowship with God serve to vindicate His nature and repopulate His kingdom. After the divine nature is sufficiently vindicated and His kingdom adequately repopulated on the degenerated earth, God will then regenerate the earth. The regenerated earth will be populated predominantly by two groups of people; national Israel and unbelievers who were born during the “Tribulation” period. Like the degenerated earth before it, the presence of unbelieving people on the regenerated earth will make it unsuitable for existence within the kingdom (realm of divine authority). Jesus Christ will physically reign over the redeemed nation of Israel on the regenerated earth. His reign will last for one thousand years (Revelation 20:2-7). Unlike His reign during the Church Age, Jesus will not rule over the regenerated earth from heaven. Instead, He will personally rule over the physical kingdom of national Israel on the regenerated earth. At the end of the one thousand year reign of King Jesus on the regenerated earth, the nature of God will be completely vindicated and His kingdom fully repopulated. Both the New Testament church during the Church Age and restored national Israel will have contributed. The eternal plan of God to vindicate His nature and repopulate His kingdom fulfilled; He will recreate the earth in a state of eternal perfection. The new earth will exist forever within His kingdom. The earth in its various, inhabitable forms has always been influenced by the presence of the kingdom of God (realm of divine authority). Consequently, the earth has either existed in the kingdom or the kingdom has been manifested on earth: |
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While the earth is subject to change, the kingdom of God (realm of divine authority) is not. Like its King, it is immutable. Relative to its immutability, the kingdom of God does not change when manifested on the degenerated earth. Therefore, its primary emphasis, character, qualification for citizenship, and governance remain consistent. The primary emphasis of the kingdom of God manifested on the degenerated earth does not differ from its heavenly emphasis. Thus, the emphasis of the kingdom on earth is the sovereign authority of God. The character of the kingdom of God (realm of divine authority) also does not change when manifested on the degenerated earth. It remains glorious, holy, powerful, and immortal. In addition, the qualification for citizenship in the kingdom of God (realm of divine authority) on earth is the same as in heaven. It requires submission to the authority of God. Further, the governance of the kingdom of God (realm of divine authority) does not change when manifested on the degenerated earth. It continues to be theocratic. Eternal The “kingdom of God” is also eternal. Thus, it is perpetual, without beginning or end, past or future. As a result, the “kingdom of God” cannot be measured, interrupted, or otherwise influenced by time. Its eternality does not change when manifested on the spatiotemporal earth. |
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© 2025 James Hiatt
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